Sunday – 07.26.09
Last night I felt like a lonely tourist for real. So, Christina & her family went away for the day and night. I’m such a quiet tenant, they forgot I was down here. When they left they turned off the computer and router, thus leaving me with no internet. It was horrible. I couldn’t call anyone, text anyone, or just surf the internet. I never want another night like that again. I felt five thousand miles away.
Anywho, I had to pray to Jehovah real hard to help me get up for the meeting. Since Raizza (Raisin) wasn’t home I needed to catch the bus to Janelle’s and arrive by 2:45 for the 3:15 meeting. The buses don’t print a schedule so I had no idea what time the bus was coming. I didn’t get up until 1:30. I had to rush and shower and leave. I wanted to be at the bus stop by 2:15 so if it took too long I would still be able to walk and make it to their house on time. I made it by 2:15 and the bus came at 2:17. I had prayed to Jehovah and he answered yet another prayer.
So I got to their house on time and we went to the meeting. I commented a few times and it was nice. Giacomo Maffei told me that he really enjoyed my comments. That was nice cause he said I answered his auxiliary questions with just what he was looking for.
After the meeting Janelle brought me home and said she would be back in an hour so we could go eat first then head to see Lenny. An hour and a half later, she returned and we headed into Eur – the upper middleclass area.
We parked and the caught a bus. We went to this pizzeria/bistro called Bacco. The food was the best I have had since I have been here. I had some type of ravioli stuffed with cheese, but this was a FAR CRY from Chef Boyardee. I was in a cheesy sauce with zucchini and small tomatoes. Janelle ordered gnocchi. As she said, her food was good, but mine was better. Then she ordered this chocolate cake with a chocolate sauce filling and a small scoop of vanilla ice cream. It was magnificent! I don’t have a love affair with food like some of my friends (Janelle, Chandice, & Mindi), but it was so very good. I wanted to dive into the empty plate and roll around.
We had to get a rush on because it was 9 and the concert started at 9. We ran to the bus stop Erica style – slowly. When we arrive and made it to our seats Lenny was just taking the stage. We jumped up from our seats and screamed as Americans do. This was quite contrary to Italians at a concert. The man behind us politely tapped Janelle and told her that we needed to sit down. She politely ignored him and we kept jammin’. He tapped again and said he couldn’t see. To avoid any confrontation we moved down another row and were able to stand with no complaints. It was still very strange because as I looked around most people were sitting. The row in front of us was standing, but not moving. No dancing, no clapping, just standing. I couldn’t tell they were at a concert. Look at the pics.
No matter how strange they were Janelle and I stayed true and represented for real concert goers.
I got the ladies next to me to jump up and sing and dance.
Even the people behind us joined in the fun and began messing with me by saying “We love you Lenny!” what made it extra funny was the fact it was a man screaming.
Lenny performed very well. He kept us on our feet and rockin’. The audience was strange, but the performance wasn’t.
All in all the concert was great.
Afterwards, Janelle and I rode around downtown and I once again got to admire where I am. My love for this country grew as I saw the sights uncrowded and remembered why I love Rome.
I'll post pics later!
A dopo!
Janelle had been promising me we would go downtown for a while. I wanted very badly to buy postcards to send home to all of you and let you know I’m thinking of you. So after an extended morning and long afternoon we left. We rode around looking for a parking space and then got on a bus in front of the Coliseum and were off. I got to see via del Corso in the day. Still A LOT of people. I found the postcards that I have been dying to get. I hope to mail them soon, but there is no telling how long it will take for you all to get them.
We did a lot of walking. Baby Wiggles was EXCELLENT! She watched all the people and stayed awake. She was her usual happy self and wasn’t fussing. It was great. We stopped to eat at the first McDonald’s in Italy. I took pictures. There used to be a fountain there, but they put up some pretty flowers instead. They serve gelato and pastries for desert as well as the traditional Mickey D’s menu.
After lunch, we went to the Spanish Steps (Piazza di Spagna) - another huge tourist spot. Across from the steps is a street called via di Condotti. Down this street is almost every famous designer you can think of!
I am not a shopper, but MAN oh MAN!!!! I wanted a Sugar Daddy or somebody’s check card to shop away!!!!
As we were proceeding back, we saw a very familiar sight. There was a small group of Spanish people walking. They all wore a small blue & white lapel card. Me, being the dork I am, I ran up to them and was all excited to see fellow believers of Jehovah doing exactly as we were told: Wear your lapel cards while out and about. They were visiting before going to Paris for the international convention. They were from the Spanish Congregation in the Bronx, NY. Of course! We took pictures.
Also, I took a picture with the local Carabinieri. They’re a cross between the local police and the Army – a glorified SWAT team.
Before I close let me show you all a purse that I want to get before I leave. Its from a store named Furla. I am taking donations. Just email me for details on how to deposit into my account.
There will be a big gap in time between this post and my next one. I start babysitting next week and will be spending my days in the house. The next few post will be about the International Convention. I can’t wait to share!
The First Invasion

My Homeland
Monday, August 10, 2009
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