There is nothing to report except it was long, tiring, and hot. There was a heat advisory to stay in if possible so I did until mtg time. I barely stayed awake at the meeting. Wiggles was there to entertain me. Look at that face!!! And she loves me. I think I make her laugh!
Tomorrow night is scrabble and drinks at Janelle’s and maybe a movie. We’ll see.
I packed my bag to head to Janelle’s. I sat down to send email and there was a buzzin at the door. It was Janelle! She saved me a walk. We sat for a brief moment ate hagendaas chocolate something or another and went to her place.
She mixed these slammin’ Pina Coladas! They had brandy and rum, ooohhh, but first was the Bailey’s Crème de Caramel & the vanilla ice cream. One & ½ of those and you got a funny board of scrabble. Even with the alcohol, Sherika would be proud.
We drank watched Benchwarmers and played with the baby. What a night! Laughter with a good friend - Rome is feeling every bit more like home.
Tomorrow – Shopping!
A piu tarde!
Okay so last night we stayed up LATE! It was fun though!!! I wouldn’t mind doing it again soon. This morning we woke up late. Janelle made some whole wheat pancakes that were scrumptious. I thoroughly enjoyed them. I don’t remember much about the morning. Janelle was sleepy. I was sleepy. The baby was sleepy. Therefore, we all took a nap. Did I see Danny this morning? I don’t recall. Anywho . . . sleep!
According to plans, we are going shopping tonight on via del Corso. All I know is that means we get to ride into the city center.
Lights! Lights! Lights! We passed what seemed to be an outside concert - people in a field with a stage. It reminded me very much of Music Midtown. I have no idea what type of music was being played, but the audience was jammin’!
Further into the city we passed what looked like THOUSANDS of tourists. They were strolling around the Coliseum and just enjoying the fact that they are in Rome. We found a parking space and hopped out of the car.
SIDE POINT: The FINEST man I have seen since I have been here rode past us. He was all hugged with his woman in the car. I wanted to shake her hand because he was gorgeous.
We walked down all these side streets that looked familiar. We passed L’Archetto. Janelle took me there the last time I was here. Once again we ran into a cavalcade of tourists. They were going in the other direction to see the Trevi Fountain. Slow down, slow down . . . we’ll get there too, but first shopping!
The First Invasion

My Homeland
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Monday, July 20, 2009
Wednesday – The True Adventure Begins
There is a lot to catch you up on so let’s rush right in.
Janelle, being the awesome friend that she is, loaned/gave me her bus pass. It gets you on and off the local bus/train. So I prepared for my journey into the city alone. OOOOOOO –scary! I don’t speak the language and I look like a tourist. Will I get got? Will I get Taken? You know how I like to talk to strangers. Well, this was different.
My alarm went off at 10:30 A.M. and I hit snooze. I got up at 10:50, showered and dressed. I made it out of the house by 11:50 and watched the bus pull off from the bus stop. I walked on down and admired the villas in the neighborhood and some of the scenery that reminded me where I was. See the pics.
Following Janelle’s directions, I took the bus to the Acilia station and got on and went to the last stop. I changed at the station and went Piramide (Line B) all the way to Termini. Marta ain't got nothing on the Rome inner city train and bus. Can you say HOT?! SMELLY?! And CROWDED?! It was worse that Decatur station on a bad day. My first thought was: Shouldn’t these people be at work. They can’t all be on vacation like me.
Anywho, when I got to Termini station, I went up and out and I was there! All the familiar sights of being in Roma! The noise, the smells, the buildings. Everything was bustling as though the citizens knew I was arriving and wanted everything to be ready. It was 94 degrees and I could have walked to my destination, but that was too much like right. So I hopped in the first available cab said a prayer to Jehovah that he not kill me and we were off.
I passed 266 via Cavour (Hotel Matisse) where I stayed last time I was here. I waved and got a little teary eyed as we rounded the slight curve. There it was, still standing, and looking a little better than I left it . . . the Coliseum. This time there were no pictures outside the closed gates. I was going inside. My arthritic knee was a little less stiff today and I sprang from the cab and moved at rapid speed for me. I fought the crowds and ignored the people selling guided tours just so I could get in line and guide myself. There was that one distraction. I couldn’t help it he was just so cute in his little uniform and charming. He got me to thinking “James Who?” See the pics.
Once through the gate I had to choose: audio tour or lonely silent wandering thru the ruins? The line for the audio tour was shorter and it only cost 4,50 euro more. So, I got a little recorded woman that I only heard say “Welcome to the Coliseum.”
All I can say about the tour was it caused me to reflect. Standing outside of one of the prisoner holding cells there was the lingering thought: “My brothers and sisters were in there and they remained faithful to the death. How will I fair during the Great Tribulation? I know they were made of much better materials than me.” That then led to a personal conversation between me and Jehovah. So start planning your trip to see what emotions a visit evokes and you and hope they remain long enough to change you.
After a couple of hours in there I finally exited. I was a little inspired and refreshed and I felt more at home in the eternal city.
“Rome . . . Roma, mi amore. Sorry it took me so long to return.”
I made my way across the street and bought some gelato, 2 scoops – lemon and vanilla. Smooth, creamy, and succulent. It served its purpose to refresh me for my trek back to Dragone.
I was burning up and tired of people bumping into me. After clenching my messenger bag purse (Target $10) I finally got a seat on the last train to the Acilia station. I dozed a few times on the 20 minute ride. I kept waking up to make sure there were no puncture wounds on me from a gypsy trying to tranq me and steal my cute purse or my faux jewelry.
In the end I made it to Janelle & Danny’s. I kissed the baby and chilled with Janelle. What a day!
Did you enjoy our excursion? Were you moved by the ruins? Well rest up cause tomorrow is another day!
A presto!
There is a lot to catch you up on so let’s rush right in.
Janelle, being the awesome friend that she is, loaned/gave me her bus pass. It gets you on and off the local bus/train. So I prepared for my journey into the city alone. OOOOOOO –scary! I don’t speak the language and I look like a tourist. Will I get got? Will I get Taken? You know how I like to talk to strangers. Well, this was different.
My alarm went off at 10:30 A.M. and I hit snooze. I got up at 10:50, showered and dressed. I made it out of the house by 11:50 and watched the bus pull off from the bus stop. I walked on down and admired the villas in the neighborhood and some of the scenery that reminded me where I was. See the pics.
Following Janelle’s directions, I took the bus to the Acilia station and got on and went to the last stop. I changed at the station and went Piramide (Line B) all the way to Termini. Marta ain't got nothing on the Rome inner city train and bus. Can you say HOT?! SMELLY?! And CROWDED?! It was worse that Decatur station on a bad day. My first thought was: Shouldn’t these people be at work. They can’t all be on vacation like me.
Anywho, when I got to Termini station, I went up and out and I was there! All the familiar sights of being in Roma! The noise, the smells, the buildings. Everything was bustling as though the citizens knew I was arriving and wanted everything to be ready. It was 94 degrees and I could have walked to my destination, but that was too much like right. So I hopped in the first available cab said a prayer to Jehovah that he not kill me and we were off.
I passed 266 via Cavour (Hotel Matisse) where I stayed last time I was here. I waved and got a little teary eyed as we rounded the slight curve. There it was, still standing, and looking a little better than I left it . . . the Coliseum. This time there were no pictures outside the closed gates. I was going inside. My arthritic knee was a little less stiff today and I sprang from the cab and moved at rapid speed for me. I fought the crowds and ignored the people selling guided tours just so I could get in line and guide myself. There was that one distraction. I couldn’t help it he was just so cute in his little uniform and charming. He got me to thinking “James Who?” See the pics.
Once through the gate I had to choose: audio tour or lonely silent wandering thru the ruins? The line for the audio tour was shorter and it only cost 4,50 euro more. So, I got a little recorded woman that I only heard say “Welcome to the Coliseum.”
All I can say about the tour was it caused me to reflect. Standing outside of one of the prisoner holding cells there was the lingering thought: “My brothers and sisters were in there and they remained faithful to the death. How will I fair during the Great Tribulation? I know they were made of much better materials than me.” That then led to a personal conversation between me and Jehovah. So start planning your trip to see what emotions a visit evokes and you and hope they remain long enough to change you.
After a couple of hours in there I finally exited. I was a little inspired and refreshed and I felt more at home in the eternal city.
“Rome . . . Roma, mi amore. Sorry it took me so long to return.”
I made my way across the street and bought some gelato, 2 scoops – lemon and vanilla. Smooth, creamy, and succulent. It served its purpose to refresh me for my trek back to Dragone.
I was burning up and tired of people bumping into me. After clenching my messenger bag purse (Target $10) I finally got a seat on the last train to the Acilia station. I dozed a few times on the 20 minute ride. I kept waking up to make sure there were no puncture wounds on me from a gypsy trying to tranq me and steal my cute purse or my faux jewelry.
In the end I made it to Janelle & Danny’s. I kissed the baby and chilled with Janelle. What a day!
Did you enjoy our excursion? Were you moved by the ruins? Well rest up cause tomorrow is another day!
A presto!
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Getting Into a Routine
Aaahhh . . . Bonjourno!
I hope you recovered well from our adventurous trip here. After my nap on the first day of arrival Janet woke me up and said it was after 4 and wanted to walk in the heat. I needed to learn the route to Janelle’s house and see how long it would take me on a REALLY slow walk. So we set out. Janet made sure to have the Traveler’s dictionary in hand. I had no plans on talking to anyone.
There were no surprises along the way and nothing to write home about . . . well there was that nice villa down the road. I’ll put a picture in.
Janet was feeling hungry cause she slept through that delicious light morning meal so we stopped in a little store. The convenience stores here are quite different from the States. They are little holes in the wall. You can get a soda, wine – of course, some chips, and a pastry of some sort then keep on moving. They are ideal for field service breaks. There is nothing to keep you lingering and you can just get back to the territory. Anyway – that’s what Janet did. She bought some chips that looked like they would be nasty and sure enough they were. I didn't even taste them. She said they were VERY salty and threw the bag in the trash. She also got a beverage and we kept trucking down the road.
Each car that passed was moving at lightening speed and I got flash back to the taxi ride on my first visit here . . . . . . . . “I DON’T WANNA DIE! JEHOVAH PLEASE DON’T LET HIM KILL ME!” That’s another story.
Finally, we get to Janelle’s house. I know it’s hers because Lidl (we call it Costco) is directly across the street. She nor Danny was home from work so I got to meet her mother-in-law and baby Jiselle. What a cutie!!! She recognized my voice and laughed and smiled. I found out later that she laughs and smiles at everyone. I wasn’t that special. Now if she cries and spits on you that’s something to write about cause it never happens.
Janet and I ended up going grocery shopping at Lidl (Costco or Aldi) to kill time until Janelle got home. She finally got home and now the real trip begins.
Janet spent the night with Janelle so she could ride to the airport with Danny and head back home. She’s great, right? She flew over here, dropped me off, and went back. I love her. Hands down, she’s great!
My daytime Tuesday was spent catching up on sleep and getting ready for the meeting.I walked down to Janelle’s house and got there at 6:05. We talked for a few minutes and then rushed to change into meeting clothes. She had a talk that she didn’t tell me about. The meeting begins at 7 here, which was interesting and nice. That way if you want to socialize after the meeting you get home at 9:30 and not 10:00.
While the meeting was going on I became a typical tourist and pulled out my camera. I turned off the flash and snapped away. They have the circuit overseer this week so every time they changed speakers I took a picture. Janelle did good on her talk, but I couldn’t take pictures cause I had the baby. I did, however, get to read a scripture – Hebrews 4:12. He called on me as soon as I raised my hand. Freda should come here!
After the meeting lots of people introduced themselves and I barely remember what they said. I’ll get a refresher on Thursday, but does it matter? I have 3 months to learn their names!!! :o)
Not an adventurous day, but a day in Italy nonetheless.
I hope you recovered well from our adventurous trip here. After my nap on the first day of arrival Janet woke me up and said it was after 4 and wanted to walk in the heat. I needed to learn the route to Janelle’s house and see how long it would take me on a REALLY slow walk. So we set out. Janet made sure to have the Traveler’s dictionary in hand. I had no plans on talking to anyone.
There were no surprises along the way and nothing to write home about . . . well there was that nice villa down the road. I’ll put a picture in.
Janet was feeling hungry cause she slept through that delicious light morning meal so we stopped in a little store. The convenience stores here are quite different from the States. They are little holes in the wall. You can get a soda, wine – of course, some chips, and a pastry of some sort then keep on moving. They are ideal for field service breaks. There is nothing to keep you lingering and you can just get back to the territory. Anyway – that’s what Janet did. She bought some chips that looked like they would be nasty and sure enough they were. I didn't even taste them. She said they were VERY salty and threw the bag in the trash. She also got a beverage and we kept trucking down the road.
Each car that passed was moving at lightening speed and I got flash back to the taxi ride on my first visit here . . . . . . . . “I DON’T WANNA DIE! JEHOVAH PLEASE DON’T LET HIM KILL ME!” That’s another story.
Finally, we get to Janelle’s house. I know it’s hers because Lidl (we call it Costco) is directly across the street. She nor Danny was home from work so I got to meet her mother-in-law and baby Jiselle. What a cutie!!! She recognized my voice and laughed and smiled. I found out later that she laughs and smiles at everyone. I wasn’t that special. Now if she cries and spits on you that’s something to write about cause it never happens.
Janet and I ended up going grocery shopping at Lidl (Costco or Aldi) to kill time until Janelle got home. She finally got home and now the real trip begins.
Janet spent the night with Janelle so she could ride to the airport with Danny and head back home. She’s great, right? She flew over here, dropped me off, and went back. I love her. Hands down, she’s great!
My daytime Tuesday was spent catching up on sleep and getting ready for the meeting.I walked down to Janelle’s house and got there at 6:05. We talked for a few minutes and then rushed to change into meeting clothes. She had a talk that she didn’t tell me about. The meeting begins at 7 here, which was interesting and nice. That way if you want to socialize after the meeting you get home at 9:30 and not 10:00.
While the meeting was going on I became a typical tourist and pulled out my camera. I turned off the flash and snapped away. They have the circuit overseer this week so every time they changed speakers I took a picture. Janelle did good on her talk, but I couldn’t take pictures cause I had the baby. I did, however, get to read a scripture – Hebrews 4:12. He called on me as soon as I raised my hand. Freda should come here!
After the meeting lots of people introduced themselves and I barely remember what they said. I’ll get a refresher on Thursday, but does it matter? I have 3 months to learn their names!!! :o)
Not an adventurous day, but a day in Italy nonetheless.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Departure, Arrival, & Settling In - Proof that I'm A Grown Up!
Where do I begin? My voyage was set to begin on 07.08.09 but it got pushed back to 07.12.09, no matter . . . I AM HERE!!!! I am all poised to ROCK THIS NATION!
The Plane Ride
Janet Moore was gracious enough to take time out of her busy schedule and fly over here and drop me off. Due to my fear of flying that was a VERY good idea. However, shout out to Dr. Perry for prescribing Xanax - the wonder drug that got me so relaxed I was able to lean my seat back and close my eyes. I didn't go to sleep on the plane, but I got very, very close. I think that extra roomy, extra comfy Business Class seat with the large, soft, blanket made a big difference.
After a very smooth take-off (could've been the drugs, but I barely knew we were moving), dinner was served.
First Course - Thai Chicken & Coconut Soup (Hot & Delicious) It was creamy tomato based. I couldn't even tell it had coconut in it. I hate coconut, but ate mine & Janet's. Again, it could've been the drugs. Can you taste it? Remember you're on this trip too!
Main Course - Roast Beef & Herbed Chicken Breast w/stuffed egg, grilled peppers, asparagus and tomato. The beef was cooked just the way I like it - light brown, then pink, then red center. It melted in my mouth. The chicken was even good and it wasn't from Popeye's and I ate it!
Dessert - Vanilla Ice Cream Sundae with chocolate sauce, whipped cream, & pirouline cookie.
I chilled in my seat and then the 2 cans of Minute Maid Apple Juice sent me rushing to the loo. I don't like to walk on the plane because I am convinced my 300 lbs will be the weight to throw the plane off balance and send it tumbling out of the sky. However, since I didn't want to wet my clothes I went. Lo & behold, I made it! The plane didn't fall out of the sky or shake when I sat.
Breakfast - Fresh Fruit, English Muffin topped with spinach, scrambled eggs, & cheddar cheese with turkey Canadian bacon. Delicious!
I had an awesome flight attendant, Melissa. She checked on me and made sure I was comfortable and not freaking out. I LOVE BUSINESS CLASS! Thank the LAWD for buddy passes!
Right across the aisle from me was Jay & Shirley. They were honeymooners married for just 8 days. Jay is a jet pilot. So with him on one side and Janet, airplane mechanic on the other, I knew to watch them to see if I needed to freak out. Jay was full of jokes and stories that eased me where the Xanax didn't and Janet slept.
Aaahhh - The inflight movie Janet chose - TAKEN!!!! How hilarious is that. If I get Taken while here Liam Neeson has to come and save me or his counterpart Steve Cassell. Cause in the movie the girl's dad attempts to save her so why shouldn't mine?
Settling In
When we finally get a taxi and arrive at MY Apartment, I crashed, much like I am about to do now.
Is your appetite whet? Would you like to hear more? Well keep checking back for more updates.
Til then . . . ciao!
The Plane Ride
Janet Moore was gracious enough to take time out of her busy schedule and fly over here and drop me off. Due to my fear of flying that was a VERY good idea. However, shout out to Dr. Perry for prescribing Xanax - the wonder drug that got me so relaxed I was able to lean my seat back and close my eyes. I didn't go to sleep on the plane, but I got very, very close. I think that extra roomy, extra comfy Business Class seat with the large, soft, blanket made a big difference.
After a very smooth take-off (could've been the drugs, but I barely knew we were moving), dinner was served.
First Course - Thai Chicken & Coconut Soup (Hot & Delicious) It was creamy tomato based. I couldn't even tell it had coconut in it. I hate coconut, but ate mine & Janet's. Again, it could've been the drugs. Can you taste it? Remember you're on this trip too!
Main Course - Roast Beef & Herbed Chicken Breast w/stuffed egg, grilled peppers, asparagus and tomato. The beef was cooked just the way I like it - light brown, then pink, then red center. It melted in my mouth. The chicken was even good and it wasn't from Popeye's and I ate it!
Dessert - Vanilla Ice Cream Sundae with chocolate sauce, whipped cream, & pirouline cookie.
I chilled in my seat and then the 2 cans of Minute Maid Apple Juice sent me rushing to the loo. I don't like to walk on the plane because I am convinced my 300 lbs will be the weight to throw the plane off balance and send it tumbling out of the sky. However, since I didn't want to wet my clothes I went. Lo & behold, I made it! The plane didn't fall out of the sky or shake when I sat.
Breakfast - Fresh Fruit, English Muffin topped with spinach, scrambled eggs, & cheddar cheese with turkey Canadian bacon. Delicious!
I had an awesome flight attendant, Melissa. She checked on me and made sure I was comfortable and not freaking out. I LOVE BUSINESS CLASS! Thank the LAWD for buddy passes!
Right across the aisle from me was Jay & Shirley. They were honeymooners married for just 8 days. Jay is a jet pilot. So with him on one side and Janet, airplane mechanic on the other, I knew to watch them to see if I needed to freak out. Jay was full of jokes and stories that eased me where the Xanax didn't and Janet slept.
Aaahhh - The inflight movie Janet chose - TAKEN!!!! How hilarious is that. If I get Taken while here Liam Neeson has to come and save me or his counterpart Steve Cassell. Cause in the movie the girl's dad attempts to save her so why shouldn't mine?
Settling In
When we finally get a taxi and arrive at MY Apartment, I crashed, much like I am about to do now.
Is your appetite whet? Would you like to hear more? Well keep checking back for more updates.
Til then . . . ciao!
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