The First Invasion

The First Invasion
My Homeland

Thursday, September 3, 2009

August 9, 2009 - Sunday Evening

Sunday Evening

So after the convention, we (Janelle, Danny, & I), went to Piazza Spagna to be with the friends. Little did I know what I was in for. Janelle told me in the car that she was bringing her song book just in case there was singing like before.

When we reached the plaza, there were witnesses everywhere. It was like another convention. The first person we saw was Lidl girl. Who is Lidl girl? Ok.

So, when I first got here, me and Janet went shopping at the local shop – Lidl or for those back home Aldi. You gotta pay for bags and everything.

Well, the girl at the checkout said something to me in Italian and I looked at her confused and just gave her the money on the screen. She smiled and we left. Well, after that, whenever I was in Lidl I would get in her line because she knew I didn’t speak the language and was patient with me.
Danny told me that she was a witness, but I thought he thought I was talking about another girl.
Well, anywho, guess who the first person we saw was . . . Lidl Girl!!! Of course I grabbed her and hugged her and made her take a picture.

Then there was the singing. I didn’t take pictures of that I recorded stuff. So listen above. It was wonderful. There was a circle of young brothers in the middle of the crowd. They would hold up numbers with their fingers and everyone would flip in their books. Then they would count 1,2, 3 and the singing would begin a cappella. You can hear all the languages above: English, Italian, German, Albanian . . . it was beautiful.

The non-witnesses mingled in looked real confused. Then someone would explain and they would smile, stand, listen, and then leave.

What a witness that must have been. People from all over the world gathered in unity without months of planning, no translators, no security guards protecting one nationality from another.
The was a Lebanese brother there that said that the Preaching work is under ban there and they cant sing kingdom songs at the meetings. He said it was one thing to sing at the convention, but it was so much more to be able to Sing Praises to Jehovah on the public street with no threat of imprisonment. That makes me teary eyed. Ever since then I have been singing a little louder at the meetings. Poor people in front of me. :o)

I met 2 sisters there. One was Lori from Texas. She is an only child & so is her husband. We shared a songbook and talked. I told her about how much I missed my mom after being gone a month and she told me that’s why she lives in Texas to be close to hers.
Then there was Serena from Belgium. I don’t know what it was, but we started talking and there was like an instant connection. Of course she gave the invite for me to come and visit her when I can. It was wonderful.
Throughout the course of the evening I met lots of people and took lots of pictures. By the time we went home, I was tired and felt a little bit more fulfilled.

It was truly a joyous & wonderful experience and I am so glad I was allowed the opportunity.
I hope you enjoyed the District Convention Series. I have other experiences to share, just ask.
Next is my weekend alone in Rome and the visit to the Rome Bethel Banch.
A piu tarde!

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