The First Invasion

My Homeland
Friday, September 4, 2009
August 15-17, 2009
So Janelle and her family are going to Abruzzo (Danny’s family) this weekend because Monday is a holiday. I don’t want to go with them, plus I wasn’t invited, so I get to spend a weekend alone in the Eternal city.
I made reservations at Hotel Matisse where I stayed on my first trip here with Janet. However, that location was to capacity so I had to stay at the one around the corner. That one has no air conditioning and no internet access, but its still close to everything.
Danny & Janelle dropped me off at the Acilia train station and they were off, as was I. When I got there and put my suitcase down I had to take another shower because I had been through Termini station. When I say DISGUSTING it doesn’t even tip how horrible that place is.
I rested and then got up and went walking. I made my way passed an interesting place called the corner of the four fountains.
On the walk to the Trevi Fountain, I had to pass the President’s palace an this is the view from the doorway there.
It’s very “Italian city view” to me. The Cathedral in the background is St. Peter’s Basilica at the Vatican.
Then, there are pictures of the President’s place.
SO I go down these very steep steps and into familiar places. I see familiar shops and then tons of people speaking English or whatever language they chose. And finally I got to see it in the daylight.
I cant decide if I like it more at night or during the day. You be the judge.
After that I needed to do some postcard shopping and try to find a souvenir for Alfreda. Once that search was done, it was lunch time. I decided to go to the restaurant that Janelle took me to on my first trip to Italy, L’Archetto. They serve lunch on Saturdays so it was quite nice to sit relax and enjoy.
After lunch I walked around the city and did some baby shopping for Emily & Donnie cause she popped out the baby, Lochlin Pierce. I got a couple of cute little outfits for their 2 boys and then it was dinner time. I went to this one restaurant cause the dude at the door was cute.
My entrée was Sicilian Lasagna and it was bleck!!!! So no picture of that, but dessert was Crème Brule and it was MAGNIFIQUE! So of course I took a picture of that.
I had never had it before. I will definitely have it again!
After that, I headed back to my room because I was tired. Tomorrow I have to make the trek to Acilia to go to the meeting.
I did according to plan and got back to the center just in time to go play on the internet, call Marlena, call Carisa, call Sherika, and go to dinner.
I went to the Byron Café on the corner cause they had a bar and were always busy, so I figured the food must be good. I was right.
I ordered an Amaretto Sour that was great. Instead of Sweet & Sour mix he used orange juice. Then I ordered some fresh minestrone soup, some beef tips in a cream sauce w/asparagus, 1 liter of water, apple pie & ice cream. I was so full!!!! The food was ssssoooooo good!!!!
Notice the FULL amaretto . . . Notice the EMPTY drink and same amt of water.
Hopefully when Marsha and those get here we can come back!
I stumbled walked back to my room, talked to Freda for minute and then went to sleep. I had a big day planned for Monday of going to the Rome Bethel Branch.
Buono Notte
Monday, Rome Bethel Visit
So I had gotten very good instructions on how to get to the branch. I even had a little map (that I left in my apt in Acilia). I did remember the words: via di Bufalotta and Bus No. 86 from Termini.
At Termini station I got on bus No. 86 and waited. Just before we were leaving 2 young ladies walked up and asked if it was the bus to via di Bufalotta. The driver said yes and they got on. Me being me, struck up a conversation.
“Are you going to via di Bufalotta?”
“Yes. ”
“I thought that’s what I heard you say? May I ask where you’re going?”
“We’re going to the Jehovah’s Witness branch office.”
“Oh so am I! What a coincidence. You know when y’all walked up to the door of the bus I said to myself you looked like you were witnesses.”
“That’s what a sister said to us yesterday on the bus. That’s a compliment.”
“I’m Erica and you are?”
“I’m Anita.” “And I’m Mckenzie.”
They were two sisters from Canada that had gone to the International Convention in Paris and come to Italy. They were also going to Greece leaving later on that afternoon.
Once at the branch we were in the same tour group. We exchanged information so I’ll be keeping in touch with them.
There is very little I can say about what I saw besides what you see in the pictures. I did see Marco Caproni a brother from my congregation, but he didn’t see me.
The pictures are in order of how I took them. If you have any questions about a certain one just email them to me.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
August 9, 2009 - Sunday Evening
Sunday Evening
So after the convention, we (Janelle, Danny, & I), went to Piazza Spagna to be with the friends. Little did I know what I was in for. Janelle told me in the car that she was bringing her song book just in case there was singing like before.
When we reached the plaza, there were witnesses everywhere. It was like another convention. The first person we saw was Lidl girl. Who is Lidl girl? Ok.
So, when I first got here, me and Janet went shopping at the local shop – Lidl or for those back home Aldi. You gotta pay for bags and everything.
Well, the girl at the checkout said something to me in Italian and I looked at her confused and just gave her the money on the screen. She smiled and we left. Well, after that, whenever I was in Lidl I would get in her line because she knew I didn’t speak the language and was patient with me.
Danny told me that she was a witness, but I thought he thought I was talking about another girl.
Well, anywho, guess who the first person we saw was . . . Lidl Girl!!! Of course I grabbed her and hugged her and made her take a picture.
Then there was the singing. I didn’t take pictures of that I recorded stuff. So listen above. It was wonderful. There was a circle of young brothers in the middle of the crowd. They would hold up numbers with their fingers and everyone would flip in their books. Then they would count 1,2, 3 and the singing would begin a cappella. You can hear all the languages above: English, Italian, German, Albanian . . . it was beautiful.
The non-witnesses mingled in looked real confused. Then someone would explain and they would smile, stand, listen, and then leave.
What a witness that must have been. People from all over the world gathered in unity without months of planning, no translators, no security guards protecting one nationality from another.
The was a Lebanese brother there that said that the Preaching work is under ban there and they cant sing kingdom songs at the meetings. He said it was one thing to sing at the convention, but it was so much more to be able to Sing Praises to Jehovah on the public street with no threat of imprisonment. That makes me teary eyed. Ever since then I have been singing a little louder at the meetings. Poor people in front of me. :o)
I met 2 sisters there. One was Lori from Texas. She is an only child & so is her husband. We shared a songbook and talked. I told her about how much I missed my mom after being gone a month and she told me that’s why she lives in Texas to be close to hers.
Then there was Serena from Belgium. I don’t know what it was, but we started talking and there was like an instant connection. Of course she gave the invite for me to come and visit her when I can. It was wonderful.
Throughout the course of the evening I met lots of people and took lots of pictures. By the time we went home, I was tired and felt a little bit more fulfilled.
It was truly a joyous & wonderful experience and I am so glad I was allowed the opportunity.
I hope you enjoyed the District Convention Series. I have other experiences to share, just ask.
Next is my weekend alone in Rome and the visit to the Rome Bethel Banch.
A piu tarde!